Main steps in the procurement process.
To be adapted to the needs of the project.

By Robert

By Robert

By Robert

By – Client

By – Client

By – Client

  • I normally work with the Clients’  team and focus on the  Front end Activities  including: Master lists/BOQs; Product Standards/Specs/Brands/Suppliers; Tender Analysis;Best Deal Recommendations
  • The Client manages  :Tender; Local sample presentation; Local procurement; Purchase Orders; Invoice Payment; Logistics, Delivery and Installation.
  • Normally the Client has a local office.
  • This service is for standard luxury goods that are ‘off the shelf ‘. Customised goods are not in my scope  ie should be arranged by the Client.

Step 1  Kickoff . Establish Hotel Configuration. (Robert/Client)

The procurement process begins with a review of the project brief. I then  provide a preliminary proposal which includes:

  • OS& E scope document.
  • Time line of process.

Step 2   Establish scope, time & contract. (Robert/Client)

Procurement of OS&E by Robert.
Procurement of FF&E by Other.
  • Agree scope of purchases.
  • Agree scope of work.
  • Agree milestones.



Once the above has been agreed a contract is signed  Client  to send the following (if available) : floor plans, layouts, room matrix, renderings, design presentation overview.

For Refurbishments

  • Audit OS&E in hotel.
  • Prepare report on condition of equipment.
  • Agree purchases with Client.


Step 3 Master lists, product standards, specifications, brands, suppliers, product showcase, moodboards,  budgets, resources and processes 

(by Robert).

Samples presentation (by Client)

Password hotel2024

Step 4 (D) Tender process.  (Analysis by Robert & tendering by Client)


Step 5 (E) Purchase recommendations (by Robert).

  Purchase order and invoice payment process(by Client).

Step 6 (F)

Pre-shipment inspection (by Robert for EU/UK and or third party inspector)

Logistics (by Client) appoints  freight forwarder

Step 7 (G) Import/Clear goods;  Receipt of Goods (coordinated by Client’s local team)  through freight forwarder/local customs broker 

Installation (by Client’s local team/Hotel).  

Step 8 (H)  Finalisation process. (by Client’s local team)

Who does what? To be adapted to scope of work.
Client Resources