Permaculture garden for hotels (roof, terrace, concrete, etc) Ideas

Ideas for Sustainable hotels.

  • Why not create areas to grow vegetables locally?
  • Provide ideas for guests to set  up there own urban vegetable gardens


Jardins d’Orbigny – How to cultivate on a roof.

Permaculture / Urban vegatable garden (roof, terrace, concrete, etc)

Cultivated in cities on waterproofed soil or on contaminated soil
at low cost.
As part of a permaculture course, the science faculty of La Rochelle University
is carrying out an experiment combining sustainable food,
safeguarding biodiversity and reducing waste.
The experimental process implemented consists of building cultivation
areas on artificial groundwater using almost exclusively urban waste.

It is replicable everywhere and unique in France!

Cultivate on a roof

Visits farms and gardens Cultivating in town on impermeable soil (roof, terrace, concrete, etc.) or on contaminated soil is possible for a modest cost. As part of permaculture education, the Faculty of Science of La Rochelle University is conducting an experiment combining sustainable food, safeguarding biodiversity and reducing waste. The experimental process implemented consists of building cultivation areas on artificial groundwater using almost exclusively urban waste. It is replicable everywhere and unique in France! Entrance to the south of the Faculty of Science building, either by rue Paul-Emile Victor or by the side street Alexander Fleming.

Jardins d’Orbigny – Comment cultiver sur un toit ?

Visites de fermes et jardins

Cultiver en ville sur sol imperméabilisé (toit, terrasse, béton…) ou sur un sol contaminé est possible pour un coût modique. Dans le cadre d’un enseignement de permaculture, la faculté des sciences de La Rochelle Université mène une expérience alliant alimentation durable, sauvegarde de la biodiversité et réduction des déchets. Le procédé expérimental mis en œuvre consiste à construire des zones de culture sur nappe phréatique artificielle en utilisant quasi-exclusivement des déchets urbains. Il est réplicable partout et unique en France !

Entrée au Sud du bâtiment de la Faculté des sciences, soit par la rue Paul-Emile Victor ou par la contre allée Alexander Fleming.


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